Tuesday, December 10, 2019

New Year, Stronger Me

I have gained many learning this year. But for me, the greatest learning that I have learned is to trust myself more. Sometimes, even when I know that I can do it, I won't do it. It feels like there is something that's stopping me from doing it. Just like in making my blogs, web page and other requirements. I can do it, but sometimes I am afraid that I might not satisfy my teachers. There's this point when I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I must trust myself. I must, because in the end, I'll only have myself. And that's when I overcome those challenges that came in my way. 2019 was a challenging year for me. I faced many challenges where I get to know myself more. Moving on I will never forget that I have myself and God whenever I have a problem. I will do everything to reach my goals and will always be humble. I will face 2020 with a wide smile and a strong personality. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, earthlings!

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Monday, December 9, 2019


              a Child
                 Has been
             boRn for us,
  a son is gIven
           to uS;
     authoriTy rests
    upon hiM; and
       he is nAmed

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So in the place where the animals slept, Mary gave birth to Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus' bed was the manger that the animals ate their hay from. When Jesus was born, a brand new bright star appeared in the sky. The Three Wise Men knew that a new star would appear when a great king was born. And so they set out to find the true king and bring him gifts. They bowed down and worshiped him. The gifts were gold (kingship on earth), frankincense (deity), and myrrh (death).  And that was the story of Christmas. 

It's the time of year again. December has come with the cold breeze and all the joys of Christmas. But still, some of us aren't aware of the true meaning of this season. Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mails, dinner with family and friends, Christmas lights everywhere, and shouts of "Merry Christmas" to those we know? Is this really Christmas? Some people are sad about Christmas because they don't have enough money to buy gifts for their children or even to cook food for their 'munting salo-salo'. Yet, Christmas is a season of great joy. It is a season of hope, healing, love and renewed strength. In this time, we thank God for all the blessings he gave and will give to us. Christmas also gives us hope that someday somewhat, we will reach our dreams with the help of Jesus. It is the time when we forgive and be forgiven. It is the time when all our wound will be healed. It is the time when we show our love and affection to our loved ones, family, and friends. Materials gifts are not the important ones. The best gift that we can give to someone is our presence, love, and care. 

We can truly be happy on Christmas! No matter what may be happening, we know that God is with us. Heaven will be our home someday. Look at Christmas in a new way this year. This is the year to invite Jesus and accept him in your life. Jesus is the reason for this season. You will then have a Merry Christmas. HO-HO-HO!

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Friday, December 6, 2019


Sexual Harassment India GIF"They are supposed to be enforcers of this law and yet many policemen are violators themselves."
"In order to appear strong and show force, men inflict violence."
"I'm afraid to go out at night because men are becoming more and more violent."
"No matter what your age is, if they want to harass you, they will."

sexual assault mic GIFsexual assault GIFThose are only some of the statements of victims of violence. Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC), and we are no stranger to these four words. It is real. It is happening. It is claiming lives. And it is becoming worse. Men are called leaders and providers, while women are the supporters and nurturers. But as time passes by, men seek for more power to the point that they violate their wives or worst, their children. Many Filipino women and children continue to experience different forms of abuse everyday. Some experience physical violence such as punching, kicking, or hitting. Another form is sexual violence which is the most disturbing form. Rape, sexual harassment, forced engagement in sexual activities, sexually suggestive remarks, and incest are some examples of sexual violence. Intimidation, stalking, harassment, humiliation and verbal abuse are examples of psychological violence. And lastly is the economic abuse or violence which include destroying property, making women financially dependent, banning work opportunities and deprivation of resources. According to the DSWD in the year 2014, 3,168 girls experienced abuse and 131 of them were babies under 12 months. Age is not a problem when a man wants to harass. Even if you're a baby or an old woman, you can be a victim of violence. After harassing and abusing them, 1,149 girls were being abandoned and neglected. And most of the women, especially children are being sexually abused. The painful thing is that, most of the cases of sexually abused children are by incest. Which means, they aren't even safe inside their homes, with their family. And yes, policemen and other politicians are the enforcers of the law against violence. But, they committed most of the cases about violence. Policemen, soldiers, retired personnel, and even priests. Imagine, they should be the one helping us in preventing and stopping violence against women and children but they are the suspects. What is happening to us?

Sexual Assault India GIFI hope this served as an eye-opening to everybody to stop violence against women and children. And for those who turns a blind eye whenever they witness these things, wake up people! Remember every victim that has died because of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse. Think of every baby, who never got the chance to grow up and see the beauty of the world because of violence. Think of every old woman, who can't fight back and got nothing to do but cried and asked for help. Think of every teenager and kid, who lost their right and dignity at a very young age. Think of every mother and wife, who tried their best to love and stay beside their husbands. When a victim comes to you, help them. If you are a victim, tell it to someone. We should help each other. Are you still gonna let these things happen? How many more lives are we gonna lost just to satisfy these people? Let us pull the plug on the violence against women and children.


Friday, November 29, 2019

The Movement

Image result for whats going on gifAs time goes by, the Earth is getting destroyed. Our Earth is being destroyed. And it is being destroyed by us, humans. We should be the ones protecting and preserving it, but what is happening? Tell me, what is happening? Human activities such as deforestation, improper waste disposal, burning plastics, and kaingin are some of the reasons why our environment is being destroyed. We were supposed to maintain our environment clean and healthy, but are we still doing our duty?

Image result for save our planet gifNovember is the month of Environmental Awareness. It is about the promotion of national awareness on the role of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of environmental conservation shall be done through environmental education. In other words, Environmental Awareness Month is all about being aware of the natural environment and making choices that will benefit the Earth, rather than destroy it. The main goal for this month is to implant in the minds of the people that we should be protecting the Earth instead of destroying it. Some of the ways that individuals can do to protect the environment are the following: reduce, reuse, and recycle which means to be careful on what you throw away and follow the 3R's to conserve natural resources, bike more and drive less, shop wisely meaning to buy less plastic and instead bring a reusable and eco-friendly bag, volunteer to clean-up activities in your community, educate yourself about environmental awareness so that you will have something to share to others, plant a tree because trees provide us oxygen, learn to segregate waste, and don't send chemicals into our waterways. These are just simple things but it will have a large impact on our environment. 
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It's never too late to do the move. We still have time to save our environment, our Earth, our home. Think wisely, think about your future, our future. Do you want our children and future generations to live in a world where all you can see is wastes, wastes and wastes? Can we just help each other rebuild and save our planet?


Our Youth, Our Hope, Our Future

The month of November is the month of children or also called as Children's Month. The theme for this year is "Karapatang Pambata: Patuloy na Pahalagahan at Gampanan Tungo sa Magandang Kinabukasan". It focuses on the rights of every children which are not familiar to some. This celebration made people realize that children is as precious as gem.

Image result for children is important gifThis Children's Month Celebration aims to recognize and celebrate children as the most valuable assets of the nation because they are our hope, as well as to emphasize the importance of their role in the Filipino society. The celebration also aims to empower children as right-holders and duty-bearers to deliver commitment to promote, protect, and fulfill their rights as children. Many activities such as seminars and the highlight of the Children's Month Celebration here in Vigan is the appointing of the Little City Officials and Little Provincial Officials. The participants are SSG Officers from different grade levels who deserve to be recognized. The appointed Little City Mayor is Alliah Nicole Sayo, the SSG President of Ilocos Sur National High School. She is also the Little Governor of the said event. Other participant were from the Vigan National High School East, Vigan National High School West, Divine Word College of Vigan, University of Northern Philippines and other private schools. The conducted seminars talked about the rights and benefits of children in which people are not aware. The organizers of this celebration helped each other to promote a child-sensitive environment in where every child know his or her rights and advantages. As we can see, lots of children are being harassed and abused in different ways. The Children's Month Celebration is a big help for them to fight for their rights. It is also a motivation for them to stand up and helped for the other children who are also being abused and harassed.

Let us remember that the youth is our hope for a better future. Let them enjoy their childhood instaed of harassing them. We should love, care and give them the help that they need. Let us support them in everything they do and do not stop them in reaching their dreams. Because in the end, the child that you harassed and abused will be the one who will help us. 
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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hand in Hand

Filipinos are known all over the world for our good traits and values. That is why, we should continue to teach the youth and children to stay humble and good. But look around us, teenagers and also young children are so focused on using gadgets such as cellphones, laptops, and tablets. We can also notice that children nowadays don't know how to use "po" and "opo" which is very sad. 

Every November, the Values Month is being celebrated. This year's Values Month Celebration's theme is "Pamilyang Pilipino Patatagin; Susi sa Paghubog ng Kabataang Makadiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa". This year, the Values Month Celebration focuses on teenagers because just like what I've said before, teenagers and kids are very into gadgets and other stuffs which is too early for them to explore. The theme shows that every learning begins in home. This celebration aims to develop teenagers to become better people for their future. Some of the activities conducted during this month-long celebration were the essay writing: which helped the students in developing their writing skills, prayer making or doxology: which strengthens the faith of students in God, quiz bowl: which is good for students because they gained more knowledge about being a good person, and many other activities. In this short period of time, students had the chance to showcase their hidden talents and to change for the better. 
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Losing in those activities isn't the important thing, but gaining more knowledge and realizing that they should do what is the right thing to do is the important thing. Rizal said that the youth is the hope of our future, that is why we should help them in bringing out their best. Let us help in strengthening the 4Ms in them: Makadiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa. And to my fellow teenagers and kids, let us try our very best to change for the better not only for ourselves, but for everyone around us. Let us face the future hand-in-hand. Let us prove that we are the hope and that we will make the future better and brighter. Will you take my hand and join me?
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Friday, November 8, 2019

UN: Eye Opener

Image result for people holding hands around the world gifUnited Nations Celebration is being celebrated every year to commemorate the day when the United Nations was created. It is also celebrated to honor all the work they have done to promote peace all over the world and keeping their relationship with other countries stronger.

United Nations Month is being celebrated every October. Some students still question why we should celebrate UN Month. The answer is that, everyone, especially the youth should know what is happening not just in our country, but all over the world. We should be aware on the different problems, status, needs and happenings around us. Some of the activities that were conducted were Essay Writing Contest, Poster Making, UN Quiz Bowl, and Mr. and Ms. UN wherein students had the chance to showcase their strengths and talents. The winners of the just conducted Mr. and Ms. UN were Froilan Pascual of 10- Rizal and Dyan Veracion of 10- Markov. 

Image result for i wish for world peace gifI am very sure that after the UN Month, the whole student body gained ideas and knowledge about the issues and concerns of our country and the world. I truly hope that all countries will have a strong connection and relationship with each other. Always remember that all of us humans are the same. We may have different cultures and beliefs, colors, and place where we came from, but the most important thing is that we care, love and respect each other. We should rise, not individually, but as one. I know that this UN Celebration served as an eye-opener to all of us.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

ICT: I'll Celebrate my Triumph

Image result for the best gifThe second grading is almost over. It has been months since we started our lesson with blogging and other topics such as html tags, web designs and many more. In this grading, I surely learned a lot. I've learned how web designs are being made. And I've also learned about the use of Notepad aside from being the personal diary. I am so happy because I've learned more things about computer and internet. Before, I am not the kind of person who knows shortcuts and things about blogging and internet. But now, I have gained some knowledge about it.

And yeah, I also encountered problems and challenges in this grading. I guess they are part of learning. My number one problem is time management. Since there are many requirements from other subjects, and an hour is sometimes not enough in finishing blogs and activities. Another problem is my skill in English language. I'm okay with writing but I am not confident with my grammar. 

I still cannot believe that I had solve these problems. I managed to finish my blogs in time even though I have many requirements to do. What I did was that I made some of my blogs at home and during my free time so that all I need to do is to publish them. And on my grammar, I used simple but meaningful words in making my blogs. I believe that it is okay as long as the reader understands what I wrote in my blog. 

Moving on, I will make sure that I will be better in writing my blogs and make sure that I will finish them before or on the deadline. I will also make sure that I will not forget every topic that our teacher will discuss during our time. And also, I will make sure that I will manage my time in doing every requirement that our teachers will give to us. Because those are all part of learning. Two more grading to go and my junior high school life will be over.  Someday, ICT. Someday, I'll Celebrate my Triumph. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Most Selfless Human Beings

Chalkboard Art  Quote for Teachers  by ToSuchAsTheseDesignsSchool is our second home. Teachers are our second parents. And they are heroes without capes. 

The Influence of a Good Teacher can Never Be Erased quote | EtsyTeaching is the most influential job in the world. They shape the minds of youth and imparts good value in children. With the help of teachers, children turns into responsible citizens. Imagine the sacrifices and hard works of every teacher just to teach the students while some students don't listen and hate their teachers for being strict and terror. Imagine the time they spend just to teach students. Yes, they are being paid. But for them, teaching is more than a job. Teaching is what makes them happy. Inspiring people and molding students is their mission. They teach students even though students do not appreciate their efforts. 

Teacher Appreciation Gift. A good teacher is like a candle it consumes itself to light the way for others.
A chance to thank our teachers is during the Teachers' Month Celebration held during the month of October. During this celebration, teachers had the chance to relax and be stress-free. In our school, ISNHS, a concert was held during the school-based celebration of Teachers' Day. Teachers showed off their skills and talents and proved that they are not just good at teaching. Then, students surprised their teachers using different ways. Some blindfolded them, some brought cake and flowers, some sang, some wrote letters and some just greeted their teachers a 'Happy Teachers' Day'. Teachers were very happy during this day. They felt real happiness and felt that their efforts are very appreciated. 

 As students, let us do our responsibility in listening and appreciating our teachers. Let us consider that our teachers are also humans. They have families and other responsibilities but still have the time to teach us. Let us also thank them for the learning, teaching and for listening to us. Our teachers are our heroes without capes because just like superman and batman, they teach and save us without thinking about themselves. In short, teachers are the most selfless human beings. Am I right?

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Let the Games Begin

Sometimes you need to play to relax.
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One of the most awaited events for every student of Ilocos Sur National High School is the Intramurals especially to those who love sports and those who love watching sports. A parade was held to formally open the Intramurals and after it a program was done at the Gymnasium. During the Intramurals, different sports are being played by the students. 
Image result for badminton red aestheticImage result for basketball red aestheticBasketball, volleyball, soccer, archery, badminton, swimming and dance sports are some of the sports being played. These sports help in developing the mental, social, and physical health of the students. They also develop camaraderie and sportsmanship, and develop the skills and talents of every student. 
Another fun part was the fundraising activity of every club wherein each club created a booth for the students. Some of the booths were the ChemLock, PhotoBooth, Marriage Booth, Message Booth and Blind Date Booth. Students had a chance to express what they really feel through these booths. Students also enjoyed and had fun for a short while during the Intramurals. 

On my last year as a junior high school, I can say that I really enjoyed this year's Intramurals because I had joined the fun bike activity and also I had felt real happiness during the Intramurals. The efforts of the MAPEH Club, teachers, athletes, and the support of the teachers and principal are very much appreciated.
To all student athletes, a big salute to all of you.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Green to Grin

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Nature. Environment. Mother Earth. 
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A place where we live. A place where we breath and live life to the fullest. But without it, what will happen to us? Of course, we die. We all know that we die when the Earth dies. But, what are we still doing? Why are we still destroying instead of preserving and protecting it? 

Image result for environment picturesThe Science Month Celebration is a great way to spread awareness to every people especially students of what is happening to the environment nowadays. Activities such as coastal clean up, battle of bottles, tree planting, quiz bee, and many more are implemented during the celebration. Through these, students are getting aware of what is happening. It also improves the skills and talents of the students through these activities such as quiz bee, sci-tricks, and other. The highlight of the Science Month Celebration is the "Ginoo at Binibining Kalikasan" where contestants serve as an example and role models to their fellow students. By teaching the students on keeping the environment clean, we can bring back our nature. 
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People is the reason why the environment is being destroyed. But people can also be the reason why the environment will be better. Let us be part of the solution and not a part of the pollution. The Earth is all that we have. As time goes by, Earth is being destroyed and one day, if we don't move, Earth will be gone. The Earth we used to live on will be forever gone. And without it, we will die. We can't have a family, we can't have our dream house, car, and work.  And if no one will make a move, then who will? If not now, then when? If we really want to protect the earth, why not do it now? Are we gonna regret if things are too late? Tick-tock-tick-tock.

The Greatest Treasure

One of the Seven Wonder Cities of the World, UNESCO Awardee for Best Practice in Sustainable Heritage Management, and many other achievements. Yes, this is Vigan City. And the best time to visit the city is during the Solidarity Cultural Festival Celebration during September. You will be amaze by the rich culture and tradition of the city.
Image result for vigan trade fairThe Solidarity Food and Trade Fair at Vigan Convention Center, Paseo de Vigan, and the Tres Patrimonio Zarzuela are the must see events during the celebration. Other events of the festival include singing competitions, photography, zarzuela Ilocana, dallot, kinnantaran, cultural quiz, sabayang pagbigkas, daniw, storytelling, writing on the History of Vigan, painting and folk dancing. This will show the talents and skills of the people from Vigan City. Also, during this celebration, you will learn about the culture, tradition and the way of living of the Biguenos. You can also experience making "burnay", tasting empanada and many more. 
Pottery at Pagburnayan in Vigan City
We cannot deny the fact that our city is rich in culture and tradition that's why tourists always come back to visit our city. The world is changing except for one thing, Vigan doesn't change its style and uniqueness. The rich culture of our city is one of the intangible treasures we have. In this Solidarity Celebration, let us show off our talents and skills. We are Biguenos! We are from Vigan City!Our cultures and traditions are our greatest treasures! Aren't you proud?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Students: Hope and Future Leaders

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Eat. Sleep. Study. Repeat.

As time goes by, students see the school as a jail, the classes are the cells, teachers are the security guards and students are the prisoners. According to them, school isn't about learning anymore. It's all about memorizing and plainly listening. That's why, the Department of Education (DepEd) thought of a way to inspire the students to study hard.

The Department of Education (DepEd)-Region I had launched the "Happy Schools Movement" held at the Vigan Convention Center on May 20,2019. Happy Schools Movement is a movement which advocates to promote that every school should be a better and enjoyable place for students to learn. Schools should be a child-friendly place where students isn't afraid to express themselves. It is also in line with the Child Protection Policy Act of 2012 known as protecting children and students from abuse, violence, bullying, discrimination, exploitation and other forms of abuse. The movement also aims to implant in the minds of students that school is not just a place for learning but also a place of fun and enjoying what they are doing. A positive school climate can help decrease bullying, discrimination, and anxiety and likewise increase students' achievements and motivation to learn and improve their well-being. 

Image result for graduates silhouetteDr. Malcolm Garma said,"Happiness and school quality are inseparable as the happy schools framework serves as reference for measuring the quality of our education." Our school children now will soon rule the future. That's why we need to help them in becoming leaders with happiness in their thoughts, works, and actions. "The youth is the hope of our country," Doctor Jose Rizal once said. If this happens, no children will be left behind and what a wonderful and fun world it would be for everyone.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Language Of Peace

Doctor Jose Rizal once said, "He who does not love his his own language is worse than an animal and smelly fish." Teenagers nowadays are more interested in foreign languages more than our own language. They are learning on how to speak Korean, French, Latin and many more but when you ask and tell them deep Filipino words,they are not familiar with them. Doctor Jose Rizal also said that the youth is the hope of our future. But what is happening right now? Are the youth still our hope? 

philippines,flag,fingerprint,country,pride,identity,symbol,sign,finger,print,national,nation,patriotic,patriotism,symbolic,fingermark,travel,id,culture,citizenship,sovereign,fingerprinted,identification,individuality,personal,impression,emblem,heritage,government,passport,ink,security,investigation,privacy,immigrant,citizen,biometric,immigration,asia,filipino,asian,east,southeast,south,free pictures, free photos, free images, royalty free, free illustrations
One of the annual celebration in the Philippines is the Buwan ng Wika (National Language Month) that is held every August. It is initiated by the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF). The official theme for the 2019 Buwan ng Wika Celebration is "Wikang Katutubo: Tungo sa Isang Bansang Pilipino". The significance of the theme is to remind the people that Filipino and other native languages are very important in creating a country where people understand each other. Projects, programs and activities that are connected in developing and preservation of Filipino language and other native languages in the country are being implemented during this month. 

Language is one of the intangible heritage of a place. You can know the identity, tradition, literature and culture of a place based on their language. According to the KWF, there are 130 dialects in the country. The theme also tells us that we should know and use our own languages instead of focusing on other languages.Within the month of August, various Filipino-related activities such as simultaneous pronunciation, poetry, essay writing competitions, slogan creations, and other folk performances are held. Hence, Buwan ng Wika is more than just a celebration and promotion of Filipinos. It also highlights the appreciation of the country's rich cultural diversity as well as the collaboration among government agencies and private sectors for language identity and civic awareness.
Pilipinas Baybayin T-shirt Sticker

We should learn how to use and preserve our Filipino language and other native languages. People around the world will know who we are basing on our language that's why we should be proud of them. Pass them to the next generations. Love your country, love your language. Now, I want to challenge you. Stand up, chin up and breast out. Go out. And tell to the world that you're a Filipino and you live in the Philippines. 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Obstacle Course

In life, we  never stop learning new things.
reflections photography tutorial
We sleep. Wake up. Eat. Learn. Repeat.

In my first three months as a Grade 10 student, I've learned and gained many things and ideas. Even though it is my first time to study Electronics, I got to understand the lessons and got interested to learn more. I also learned more techniques and improved my poor Mathematics skills. My writing and talking skills improved because of the lessons in our English subject. My creativity and critical-thinking skills improved also. In other subjects, I've gained new knowledge and learned a lot. I can also say that my self confidence improved too.

reflections photography tutorial
If there are learning, problems are also there. While learning and improving for the better, problems and challenges arise. For example, in our English subject, I need to face my greatest fear, which is talking and speaking in front of many people. We need to do a two minutes persuasive speech in front of the whole class. I cannot escape it because it is a part of our first periodical assessment. Most of the problems that I've encountered have something to do with my talking and speaking skills.

How did I overcome these challenges? Simply because I have a goal. If you have a goal, and if you are focused, you can overcome every little challenge that will come to your way. I faced my greatest fear and talked in front of my class for two minutes. I am nervous and shy at the same time, but I trusted in Him and in myself that's why I finally faced it.

Moving on I will accept every challenge and take the risks in order for me to grow up. Committing mistakes makes us a better person. Facing every challenges makes us strong. As Cinderella said, "A dream is a wish your heart makes." If you have a dream, you will reach for it no matter what because it is what your heart wants. And Walt Disney said that if you can dream it, you can achieve it.

To my fellow believers and fellow dreamers, chin up, eyes front and focus on your goal.

Monday, July 29, 2019


The National Risk Reduction and Management Council conducts the National Disaster Resilience Month every July. This year’s National Disaster Resilience Month’s theme is “Kahandaan sa Sakuna’t Peligro Para sa Tunay na Pagbabago”. This is a reminder to every one of the need to reduce risks and be prepared for disaster.
We all know that the Philippine Archipelago is prone to disasters like storms, earthquakes, fire, landslides and others. The problem is that Filipinos aren’t aware of the things that they should do before, during and after these disasters. We re lacking of knowledge about disasters that’s why NDRRMC are teaching the students and kids about these things. They conduct drills and programs about disaster preparedness.
Filipinos are also known for their resiliency. Filipinos have strong fighting spirit and do not give up easily. During disasters, Filipinos should be prepared in order for them to save themselves, families, properties and other people. They should not panic and the Bayanihan System should rise.
If Filipinos are prepared for the coming of disasters, then change will follow. Number of deaths will decrease. Let us hope for a better future. Let us help each other. Together, we can overcome the disasters that will come.


(National Nutrition Council Caraga Region / MANILA BULLETIN)

The entire Philippines celebrates Nutrition Month every July. During this month, different activities that has something to do about our health are being implemented. This year’s theme Nutrition Month theme is, “Kumain ng Wasto at Maging Aktibo…Push Natin ‘to!”
People nowadays are fond of eating fast foods and junk foods. Instead of cooking at home, they go to fast food restaurants or order food in order for them to eat. People form work and school are very busy and have no time to exercise. And if they have time to do exercise, they’re lazy, get their gadgets, scroll on their newsfeeds and lie down all day. The theme means we should eat the right food in order to be healthy and prevent diseases. Your plate must include go, glow and grow foods in order for you to have a balanced diet and maintain your weight. You must also workout instead of using cellular phones during free times. Some exercises include jogging, walking, running and biking. This improves your health, prevent your bones and joints from being weak and prevent the onset of diseases.
They say that health is wealth so if you want to be healthy, then you should be healthy. And if you’re healthy, then you can live your life to the fullest. Be healthy so that you will live longer. Eat go, glow and grow foods to live healthier. And live healthy and long to be happier.



We never know when and where an earthquake will happen. Earthquake can happen any moment. Earthquakes can happen really quick. It can happen in the morning, noon, evening or dawn. It can happen at Luzon, Visayas, or Mindanao. We can’t do anything about it since it is a natural thing, but we can prepare for it.

People, especially children and teenagers should know what to do during, before and after earthquakes. It is expected that they will panic if this happens, that’s why schools are practicing them by conducting an earthquake drill every school year. They will teach students what to do before an earthquake like preparing a survival kit, during an earthquake like the duck, cover and hold, and after an earthquake like not entering your house to check if it is still stable. It is a great work for schools because it helps in reducing accidents during earthquake. Earthquake drills are important because they teach students, staff and parents on how to respond to the actual earthquake. It will also help prevent people from panicking which might lead to accidents.
Everybody can save lives when we are all aware on what to do when an actual earthquake strikes. We can reduce the number of victims by helping each other and applying what we learned. Today, some kids and students may laugh during drills and aren’t aware that this will be useful someday in saving their lives. Now, are you ready? Are you earthquake prepared?



Dear President Duterte,
         It is my pride and honor to write a letter to you. I am a fan of your great leadership. I would like to thank you for the changes and progress of our country during your administration. A big salute to you for being the first President to clean and rehabilitate Boracay and Manila Bay. Thank you for protecting, saving and fighting for the rights of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) from different countries. Thank you for trying your very best to make the Philippines a better and safer country to live on. And thank you for being a proactive President of the Philippines.
       However, I am also disappointed on some things you did like your ‘rape joke’. I am a woman and a student and I guess you’ve been insensitive on that part. Also about your words, you’re cussing especially on interviews and meetings that are being shown on televisions. Remember that you should be a role model to the Filipinos especially to the youth and children. Lastly, about you talking bad to the Catholic church. Most Filipinos are Catholics so please remember that. You should respect the Church even though you are from different religion. How can people respect you when you yourself can’t respect them?
       Other than that, I want you to know that my full support is on you. Some might bring you down, bash you and hate you, but keep your feet on the ground and do your best as a President. Many people are hoping, supporting and counting on you. Please continue during your best in ‘War on Drugs’, saving the OFWs and improving the Philippines. You have saved many lives, Mr. president. Keep fighting for our country! Also, please take good care of your health, you still have many missions. You need to lead the country longer. I am only one of those millions of people who believe in you. I am only one of those teenagers and children who have faith in you. Kudos Mr. President! The Lord will bless you more.
                                                                                                Your believer,
                                                                                                Ysabella Grace Rabang


La Filipinas Independencia (The Philippine Independence)

One-hundred twenty-one years ago, we declared our independence from the Spanish colonial rule with the help of the Americans and made our country as the first Republic in Asia. Our country got the freedom on June 12,1898 and it is now our 121st Independence Day.

Independence Day is one of the most important and memorable event in our lives as Filipinos. It is the day when we should honor the sacrifices and hard works of our Filipino heroes for 333 years of Spain’s ruling over the Philippines. Many Filipinos left their families to join the war against the Spanish and to serve the country. During the war, it’s not about me, you and them. It was all about us. It was all about fighting for our freedom and for our right as Filipinos. It is the day when the world finally saw us as a country who fought for their Independence. It is also the day when the Philippine flag was officially waved for the very first time. The country where we live today symbolizes the hardships and sacrifices of our heroes whom we should thank.

Today, many people, mostly teenagers forget and only sees Independence Day as a day when there’s no class. We should inform, teach and light up their minds about the true meaning of Independence Day. We should continue celebrating the Independence Day as a sign of gratitude, honor and a promise to take good care of our country, The Philippines.

Tears of Triumph

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She's a girl who sees herself as a failure and disappointment. A girl who's trying hard to reach her family's expectations at her. A girl who gives her best but is still not enough. A girl who wears a happy face in front of people and cries behind closed doors. And a girl who is tired, exhausted and in pain but will never give up.

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Books, moon, stars, writing and biking. These things make her feel happy, contented and free. These things describe what she is. Books made her believe that not all stories have a happy ending. Moon and stars proved to her that she can shine all by herself during dark times. That there is light in every darkness. Writing expressed what she really feels and what she is. And, she learned from biking that life is like a bike, you'll be broke and destroyed, but you should continue your journey in order to succeed. She firmly believe that every pain and downfall that she's experiencing and will experience happens for a reason. That the Lord God have a great plan for her. And that girl is the writer of this essay. One day, those teardrops of pain will become teardrops of success.
