Monday, July 29, 2019

La Filipinas Independencia (The Philippine Independence)

One-hundred twenty-one years ago, we declared our independence from the Spanish colonial rule with the help of the Americans and made our country as the first Republic in Asia. Our country got the freedom on June 12,1898 and it is now our 121st Independence Day.

Independence Day is one of the most important and memorable event in our lives as Filipinos. It is the day when we should honor the sacrifices and hard works of our Filipino heroes for 333 years of Spain’s ruling over the Philippines. Many Filipinos left their families to join the war against the Spanish and to serve the country. During the war, it’s not about me, you and them. It was all about us. It was all about fighting for our freedom and for our right as Filipinos. It is the day when the world finally saw us as a country who fought for their Independence. It is also the day when the Philippine flag was officially waved for the very first time. The country where we live today symbolizes the hardships and sacrifices of our heroes whom we should thank.

Today, many people, mostly teenagers forget and only sees Independence Day as a day when there’s no class. We should inform, teach and light up their minds about the true meaning of Independence Day. We should continue celebrating the Independence Day as a sign of gratitude, honor and a promise to take good care of our country, The Philippines.

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