Tuesday, December 10, 2019

New Year, Stronger Me

I have gained many learning this year. But for me, the greatest learning that I have learned is to trust myself more. Sometimes, even when I know that I can do it, I won't do it. It feels like there is something that's stopping me from doing it. Just like in making my blogs, web page and other requirements. I can do it, but sometimes I am afraid that I might not satisfy my teachers. There's this point when I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I must trust myself. I must, because in the end, I'll only have myself. And that's when I overcome those challenges that came in my way. 2019 was a challenging year for me. I faced many challenges where I get to know myself more. Moving on I will never forget that I have myself and God whenever I have a problem. I will do everything to reach my goals and will always be humble. I will face 2020 with a wide smile and a strong personality. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, earthlings!

Image result for i trust myself gif

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