As time goes by, the Earth is getting destroyed. Our Earth is being destroyed. And it is being destroyed by us, humans. We should be the ones protecting and preserving it, but what is happening? Tell me, what is happening? Human activities such as deforestation, improper waste disposal, burning plastics, and kaingin are some of the reasons why our environment is being destroyed. We were supposed to maintain our environment clean and healthy, but are we still doing our duty?
November is the month of Environmental Awareness. It is about the promotion of national awareness on the role of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of environmental conservation shall be done through environmental education. In other words, Environmental Awareness Month is all about being aware of the natural environment and making choices that will benefit the Earth, rather than destroy it. The main goal for this month is to implant in the minds of the people that we should be protecting the Earth instead of destroying it. Some of the ways that individuals can do to protect the environment are the following: reduce, reuse, and recycle which means to be careful on what you throw away and follow the 3R's to conserve natural resources, bike more and drive less, shop wisely meaning to buy less plastic and instead bring a reusable and eco-friendly bag, volunteer to clean-up activities in your community, educate yourself about environmental awareness so that you will have something to share to others, plant a tree because trees provide us oxygen, learn to segregate waste, and don't send chemicals into our waterways. These are just simple things but it will have a large impact on our environment.

It's never too late to do the move. We still have time to save our environment, our Earth, our home. Think wisely, think about your future, our future. Do you want our children and future generations to live in a world where all you can see is wastes, wastes and wastes? Can we just help each other rebuild and save our planet?
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