Monday, July 29, 2019


The National Risk Reduction and Management Council conducts the National Disaster Resilience Month every July. This year’s National Disaster Resilience Month’s theme is “Kahandaan sa Sakuna’t Peligro Para sa Tunay na Pagbabago”. This is a reminder to every one of the need to reduce risks and be prepared for disaster.
We all know that the Philippine Archipelago is prone to disasters like storms, earthquakes, fire, landslides and others. The problem is that Filipinos aren’t aware of the things that they should do before, during and after these disasters. We re lacking of knowledge about disasters that’s why NDRRMC are teaching the students and kids about these things. They conduct drills and programs about disaster preparedness.
Filipinos are also known for their resiliency. Filipinos have strong fighting spirit and do not give up easily. During disasters, Filipinos should be prepared in order for them to save themselves, families, properties and other people. They should not panic and the Bayanihan System should rise.
If Filipinos are prepared for the coming of disasters, then change will follow. Number of deaths will decrease. Let us hope for a better future. Let us help each other. Together, we can overcome the disasters that will come.