Monday, July 29, 2019


We never know when and where an earthquake will happen. Earthquake can happen any moment. Earthquakes can happen really quick. It can happen in the morning, noon, evening or dawn. It can happen at Luzon, Visayas, or Mindanao. We can’t do anything about it since it is a natural thing, but we can prepare for it.

People, especially children and teenagers should know what to do during, before and after earthquakes. It is expected that they will panic if this happens, that’s why schools are practicing them by conducting an earthquake drill every school year. They will teach students what to do before an earthquake like preparing a survival kit, during an earthquake like the duck, cover and hold, and after an earthquake like not entering your house to check if it is still stable. It is a great work for schools because it helps in reducing accidents during earthquake. Earthquake drills are important because they teach students, staff and parents on how to respond to the actual earthquake. It will also help prevent people from panicking which might lead to accidents.
Everybody can save lives when we are all aware on what to do when an actual earthquake strikes. We can reduce the number of victims by helping each other and applying what we learned. Today, some kids and students may laugh during drills and aren’t aware that this will be useful someday in saving their lives. Now, are you ready? Are you earthquake prepared?