Thursday, September 5, 2019

Students: Hope and Future Leaders

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Eat. Sleep. Study. Repeat.

As time goes by, students see the school as a jail, the classes are the cells, teachers are the security guards and students are the prisoners. According to them, school isn't about learning anymore. It's all about memorizing and plainly listening. That's why, the Department of Education (DepEd) thought of a way to inspire the students to study hard.

The Department of Education (DepEd)-Region I had launched the "Happy Schools Movement" held at the Vigan Convention Center on May 20,2019. Happy Schools Movement is a movement which advocates to promote that every school should be a better and enjoyable place for students to learn. Schools should be a child-friendly place where students isn't afraid to express themselves. It is also in line with the Child Protection Policy Act of 2012 known as protecting children and students from abuse, violence, bullying, discrimination, exploitation and other forms of abuse. The movement also aims to implant in the minds of students that school is not just a place for learning but also a place of fun and enjoying what they are doing. A positive school climate can help decrease bullying, discrimination, and anxiety and likewise increase students' achievements and motivation to learn and improve their well-being. 

Image result for graduates silhouetteDr. Malcolm Garma said,"Happiness and school quality are inseparable as the happy schools framework serves as reference for measuring the quality of our education." Our school children now will soon rule the future. That's why we need to help them in becoming leaders with happiness in their thoughts, works, and actions. "The youth is the hope of our country," Doctor Jose Rizal once said. If this happens, no children will be left behind and what a wonderful and fun world it would be for everyone.