Every year, we make our resolutions and goals for the whole year. We make these things to improve ourselves. I have a long list of my New Year's resolutions and I'll do my best to make all of those things happen. My first resolution is to eat healthier foods and avoid the foods that are bad for my health. Last year, the doctor detected many complications in my body and I am advised to take good care of my health or else it'll get worse. Another resolution of mine this year is to be confident and take some chances. I should be confident to tell my opinion on something. I should take chances and should not be afraid to fail because failing is normal. And when I fail, I learn. This year, I am going to reduce stress and learn to live my life happier. 2019 was stressful and a year with lots of problems. And lastly, I will start saving money. I want to spend my own money when I want to buy something. There are more resolutions on my list but I will not enumerate all of them. Thanking the Lord Almighty for reaching 2020 is the first thing that we should do. And asking for His blessings and guidance for the whole year is also a thing we should do. Although this year, many problems had happened upon welcoming 2020. Forest fires, volcanic eruption, wars and others. But I know that after all of this, blessings will overflow.
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. Happy New Year, earthlings! God Bless Us All!
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