Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Pandemic Ka Lang, I am Filipino!

    A virus that started in Wuhan, China on December 2019. A virus that killed millions of people around the world, and still continuing. A virus that prevented millions of people to meet their family and loved ones. A virus that is so strong we are trying hard to stop it. A virus that is called COVID-19. 
      It is a virus that affect the respiratory system of humans. It can spread really fast that's why we need to avoid people with this virus. Symptoms may appear after 2-14 days of exposure to the virus. Some symptoms of COVID-19 are chills, fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, muscle pain, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. Old people and those with medical problems are the most prone to this virus because they have weaker immune system. If you have these symptoms, seek medical help immediately and avoid contacts with other people. It can spread through  face to face contact of people by touching, sneezing, coughing, or just by simply talking. In order to protect you and the people around you, you must know the things to do in order to prevent or slow down the transmission of the virus. Some prevention are; wash your hands regularly with clean water or clean them with alcohol and sanitizers, maintain at least 1 meter distance between you and other people, keep distance when other people are coughing or sneezing, avoid touching your face when in public places, cover your mouth or nose when sneezing or coughing, stay at home and avoid going out, practice social distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and occasions, and keep your body strong by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. By following these preventions, you are helping not just yourself or your family, but also the people around you. 
    Indeed, COVID-19 is a very dangerous and life-taking virus. It affects not just us, but our economy and our environment. But we are Filipinos. And Filipinos are known for their resiliency and toughness. We already faced a lot of challenges and problems, and I know we will get through this one. All we need to do is follow the steps in preventing the spread of COVID-19, pray to God, and always believe that this pandemic will be over soon. Filipino Ako! Filipino Ka! Filipino Tayo!  

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