Friday, November 29, 2019

The Movement

Image result for whats going on gifAs time goes by, the Earth is getting destroyed. Our Earth is being destroyed. And it is being destroyed by us, humans. We should be the ones protecting and preserving it, but what is happening? Tell me, what is happening? Human activities such as deforestation, improper waste disposal, burning plastics, and kaingin are some of the reasons why our environment is being destroyed. We were supposed to maintain our environment clean and healthy, but are we still doing our duty?

Image result for save our planet gifNovember is the month of Environmental Awareness. It is about the promotion of national awareness on the role of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of environmental conservation shall be done through environmental education. In other words, Environmental Awareness Month is all about being aware of the natural environment and making choices that will benefit the Earth, rather than destroy it. The main goal for this month is to implant in the minds of the people that we should be protecting the Earth instead of destroying it. Some of the ways that individuals can do to protect the environment are the following: reduce, reuse, and recycle which means to be careful on what you throw away and follow the 3R's to conserve natural resources, bike more and drive less, shop wisely meaning to buy less plastic and instead bring a reusable and eco-friendly bag, volunteer to clean-up activities in your community, educate yourself about environmental awareness so that you will have something to share to others, plant a tree because trees provide us oxygen, learn to segregate waste, and don't send chemicals into our waterways. These are just simple things but it will have a large impact on our environment. 
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It's never too late to do the move. We still have time to save our environment, our Earth, our home. Think wisely, think about your future, our future. Do you want our children and future generations to live in a world where all you can see is wastes, wastes and wastes? Can we just help each other rebuild and save our planet?


Our Youth, Our Hope, Our Future

The month of November is the month of children or also called as Children's Month. The theme for this year is "Karapatang Pambata: Patuloy na Pahalagahan at Gampanan Tungo sa Magandang Kinabukasan". It focuses on the rights of every children which are not familiar to some. This celebration made people realize that children is as precious as gem.

Image result for children is important gifThis Children's Month Celebration aims to recognize and celebrate children as the most valuable assets of the nation because they are our hope, as well as to emphasize the importance of their role in the Filipino society. The celebration also aims to empower children as right-holders and duty-bearers to deliver commitment to promote, protect, and fulfill their rights as children. Many activities such as seminars and the highlight of the Children's Month Celebration here in Vigan is the appointing of the Little City Officials and Little Provincial Officials. The participants are SSG Officers from different grade levels who deserve to be recognized. The appointed Little City Mayor is Alliah Nicole Sayo, the SSG President of Ilocos Sur National High School. She is also the Little Governor of the said event. Other participant were from the Vigan National High School East, Vigan National High School West, Divine Word College of Vigan, University of Northern Philippines and other private schools. The conducted seminars talked about the rights and benefits of children in which people are not aware. The organizers of this celebration helped each other to promote a child-sensitive environment in where every child know his or her rights and advantages. As we can see, lots of children are being harassed and abused in different ways. The Children's Month Celebration is a big help for them to fight for their rights. It is also a motivation for them to stand up and helped for the other children who are also being abused and harassed.

Let us remember that the youth is our hope for a better future. Let them enjoy their childhood instaed of harassing them. We should love, care and give them the help that they need. Let us support them in everything they do and do not stop them in reaching their dreams. Because in the end, the child that you harassed and abused will be the one who will help us. 
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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hand in Hand

Filipinos are known all over the world for our good traits and values. That is why, we should continue to teach the youth and children to stay humble and good. But look around us, teenagers and also young children are so focused on using gadgets such as cellphones, laptops, and tablets. We can also notice that children nowadays don't know how to use "po" and "opo" which is very sad. 

Every November, the Values Month is being celebrated. This year's Values Month Celebration's theme is "Pamilyang Pilipino Patatagin; Susi sa Paghubog ng Kabataang Makadiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa". This year, the Values Month Celebration focuses on teenagers because just like what I've said before, teenagers and kids are very into gadgets and other stuffs which is too early for them to explore. The theme shows that every learning begins in home. This celebration aims to develop teenagers to become better people for their future. Some of the activities conducted during this month-long celebration were the essay writing: which helped the students in developing their writing skills, prayer making or doxology: which strengthens the faith of students in God, quiz bowl: which is good for students because they gained more knowledge about being a good person, and many other activities. In this short period of time, students had the chance to showcase their hidden talents and to change for the better. 
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Losing in those activities isn't the important thing, but gaining more knowledge and realizing that they should do what is the right thing to do is the important thing. Rizal said that the youth is the hope of our future, that is why we should help them in bringing out their best. Let us help in strengthening the 4Ms in them: Makadiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa. And to my fellow teenagers and kids, let us try our very best to change for the better not only for ourselves, but for everyone around us. Let us face the future hand-in-hand. Let us prove that we are the hope and that we will make the future better and brighter. Will you take my hand and join me?
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Friday, November 8, 2019

UN: Eye Opener

Image result for people holding hands around the world gifUnited Nations Celebration is being celebrated every year to commemorate the day when the United Nations was created. It is also celebrated to honor all the work they have done to promote peace all over the world and keeping their relationship with other countries stronger.

United Nations Month is being celebrated every October. Some students still question why we should celebrate UN Month. The answer is that, everyone, especially the youth should know what is happening not just in our country, but all over the world. We should be aware on the different problems, status, needs and happenings around us. Some of the activities that were conducted were Essay Writing Contest, Poster Making, UN Quiz Bowl, and Mr. and Ms. UN wherein students had the chance to showcase their strengths and talents. The winners of the just conducted Mr. and Ms. UN were Froilan Pascual of 10- Rizal and Dyan Veracion of 10- Markov. 

Image result for i wish for world peace gifI am very sure that after the UN Month, the whole student body gained ideas and knowledge about the issues and concerns of our country and the world. I truly hope that all countries will have a strong connection and relationship with each other. Always remember that all of us humans are the same. We may have different cultures and beliefs, colors, and place where we came from, but the most important thing is that we care, love and respect each other. We should rise, not individually, but as one. I know that this UN Celebration served as an eye-opener to all of us.